Advantages to remodeling versus purchasing a new home

Maximizing the potential in your home often leads to a remodeling wish list for desired improvements. Increasing natural light, capturing views, increasing functionality, updating and comfort are all common goals.  So what are the advantages of transforming a current home instead of purchasing a new one?

  • You can avoid relocating from an area you desire.
  • You will achieve a custom design that meets your individual needs instead of purchasing a home that was designed for another family or was a “production plan”.
  • Transforming your home into what you want may be less of an investment than purchasing a new home and remodeling it to your needs.

When additional space is desired, sometimes just a reconfiguration of the current space can achieve the new spaces.  In other circumstances, an addition may be required to obtain the desired program and space, such as a master bedroom suite, entertainment center, guest room or hobby rooms.  Estate Homes assures that your plan options will be well thought out and that your home will give your family immediate comfort and value as well as longer term appreciation.

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